Radix Angelicae sinensis
Gansu, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hubei
Properties (characteristics)性味:
sweet, acrid, bitter, warm
甘 ,辛,溫。
Channels (meridians) entered歸經:
heart, liver, spleen channels
Actions & Indications臨床應用:
Tonic for blood and for regulating the menses, lubricates bowels to correct constipation, reduces swelling, expels pus, relieves pain. Dang gui wei (tail) is being used in condition of blood stasis and clots.
血 虛 , 月經不調 , 痛經 ,經閉,崩漏,子宮出血 ; 風濕痛 ; 腸燥便秘 ; 痛腫疽毒 。當歸尾用於治跌打損傷。
Medical Function藥理:
1. effects on uterus: experiments showed that it can have inhibiting and stimulating effects on uterus (outside the bodies ) of lab animals.
2. effects on blood: lowers lipids, anti platelet coagulation, and promotes production of red cells.
3. effects on circulatory system: tests showed that it can dilate the coronary arteries of guinea pigs and improve circulation volume. It can protect rat with arrhythmia.
4. anti oxidation and rid of free radicals
5. anti injuries of radiation
6. improve immune system
7. anti cancer: Research showed using the five polysaccharides of ming xian dang gui inhibited the EC, Hep, S180, Lewis B16 inplanted tumors of rats up to 39%. It has little side effects and can be used for long period of time. (But there are also reports that mention frequent ingesting of ginseng and dang gui may promote the multiplying of breast cancer cells. Chinese site)
8. anti inflammatory
9. protects digestive system (including liver)
6 ﹕對免疫系統的影響
7 ﹕抗癌腫作用 ﹕對岷縣當歸的五種多 糖進行小鼠體內抗腫瘤藥物篩選。結果表明﹐上述多糖對小鼠移植性腫 瘤 EC, Hep, S180, Lewis B16等瘤株具有一定程度的仰制作用﹐ 可達39%﹐副作用少﹐並可長期用藥。 (澳 洲醫學界研究發現,常食人參及當歸會加速乳癌細胞分裂)
10 to 15 g per day in decoction.
Chemical ingredients化學成份:
Essential oil: b-pinene, camphene, P-cymene, b-phellandrene, myrcene, b-ocimene-X, allo-ocimene, 6-n-butyl-cycloheptadiene-1,4, 2-methyl-dodecane-5-one, acetophenone, b-bisabolene, isoacroraene, acoradiene, chamigrene, a-cedrene, n-butyl-tetrahydrophthalide, n-butyl-phthalide [1,2], n- butylidene-phthialide, ligustilide, d-2,4-dihydrohpthalic anhydride [6],dodecanol, bergapten[7]
Oil with Phenol Characteristics: P-methyl-benzolcohol, 5-methoxyl-2,3-dicresol [1], phenol, O-cresol, P-cresol, guaiacol, 2,3-dieresol, P-ehtyl phenol, O-eethyl phenol, 4-ethyl resorcinol, 2,4-dihydroacetophenone, carvacrol, isoeugenol, vanillin [2].
Oil with Acid Characteristics: phthalic anhydride, azelaic acid, sebacie acid, anisic acid, myristic acid, camphoric acid, dimethyl phthalate, dimethyl aelate, dimethyl sebacate, dimehtyl anisae, dimethyl myristate, dimethyl camphorate, n-valerophenone-o-carboxylic acid [6].
Organic Acid: ferulic acid, succinic acid, nicotinic acid, vanillic acid, n-tetracosanoic acid, palmitic acid [10].
Sugar: sucrose[11], fructose, glucose[9], arabigalactan,
Vitamin: 0.25~40 mg/100g of vitamin B12, 0.0675% of vitamin A.
Animo Acid: 17 types of animo acid.[8,13]
Inorganic elements: 20 kinds of inorganic elements. Among them 16 kinds are needed by human body, like calcium, zinc, phosphorous, and selenium.
Akaline: uracil, adenine, choline.[8]
Other: stigmasterol, sitosterol, stigmaterol-D-glucoside, tetradecanol-1, scopletin [9],6-methoxyl-7-hydroxycoumarin, angelicide and brefelclin A[10] ,phytoestrogens.
Present Day Applications:
For treatment of :
1. stroke due to lack of blood circulation [1]. Methods:
(1) 30 patients using 25% dang gui injection solution, once per day, intra venous feeding, 200 ~ 300 ml per day, 15 or 30 days per therapy period.
10 patients using 80 ~ 160 ml per day, 10 ~ 20 days per therapy period. Total 40 patients.
Basically healed: 12.
Improved greatly: 13
Improved: 11
Ineffective: 4
(2) 50 patients using 25% dang gui injection solution 200 ml per day, intra venous feeding, once per day, 20 days per therapy period.
Obviously effective: 13
Got better: 9
Ineffective: 3
Circulation improved: 94% in total.[2]
2. sickle cell anemia [2]. (Methods to be loaded).
3. arrhythmia [4]. (Methods to be loaded).
4. phlebitis due to thrombosis [5]. (Methods to be loaded).
5. hardening of arteries of the brain [7]. (Methods to be loaded).
6. chronic thrombosis of the lung and high pressure of the lung arteries. [11]. (Methods to be loaded).
7. tip of breast bone syndromes [9]. (Methods to be loaded).
8. hypertension [11]. (Methods to be loaded).
9. headache:
Methods: using 20% dang gui solution for injection into shu xue (points) at the back of the bodies and in 30 minutes the plasma DBH became obviously lowered. [11] Total patients: 50. (27 patients were of vasomotor dysfunction, and 23 patients were of neuropathy.
10. liver diseases
11. acute kidney infection
12. bleeding of upper digestive tract
13. chronic constipation
14. fissure of anus
15. pain during menses
16. prolapse of uterus
17. inflammation of pelvic area
18. pain caused by abortion
19. enuresis
20. inflammation of penis
21. inflammation of surface vein
22. inflammation of shoulders
23. inflammation of soft ribs
24. pain in lower back and legs
25. pain after chest surgery
26. joints of jaw dysfunction
27. herpes shingles
28. rash and measles
29. psoriasis: Using 2% dang gui solution and 2% Procaine 4 ml each, once a day, for 30 days, for xue location injections. According to diagnostics, select he gu, qu chi, fei shu, gan shu, wei shu, zhang men, tian xu, zhu san li, san yin jiao etc. Result: total patients: 100. Healed: 84. Obvious improvement 9. Improved 7. Follow up investigation in 6 months to 4 years. Five patience had relapses.[37]
30. dang gui jin you wan is made from the dang gui essential oil of ligustilide (藁本內酯 ). For < 12 years old, taking 100 mg and for adults taking 150 mg, 3 times a day, for 7 days, total of 57 patients, produced good results:
Obviously effective: 74.5%
Total of effective result: 90.2%
It did not have obvious side effects. Those who were not effective in the treatment had swelling of the air sacs of the lungs and had cardio-pulmonary diseases. In general, the asthma syndromes subsided in 2 to 3 hours after taking the medicine. The wheezing sound started to subside within 8 to 24 hours. Its effect on asthma is slow and stable. It is obvious in comparing before and after treatment on circulation and airflow capacity. It is suitable for during breakout of mild to serious condition. [44]
31. (writing in progress)
35. Sudden deafness
36. bronchial asthma
37. inflammation of the stomach, ulcers of duodenum and stomach.
38. limb paralysis of toddlers
39. undesirable effects
(Methods of therapies to be loaded).
Samples of formulae處方舉例:
ba zhen tang 八珍湯
dang gui jian zhong tang 當歸健中湯
dang gui long hui wan 當歸龍薈丸
gui pi tang 歸脾湯,
jiao ai tang膠艾湯,
Li Dong Yuan qing feng san 李東垣清風散,
tuo hua jian 脫花煎
sheng hua tang, 生化湯
shi quan da bu tang﹐十全大補湯,
si wu tang四物湯,
formulae for ideopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP)
Do not use in case of damp is high with fullness/flatulence and chronic diarrhea. See yeast infection.
Some women after menopause or some men do not tolerate long term usage or large dosages.
Over cooking may lessen the effectiveness because of the evaporating oil.
濕盛中滿,大便泄瀉者忌服 。看帶 下,白 色念珠菌感染。
Editor note:
dopamine b-hydroxylase: Higher serum levels of DBH enzyme have been reported in migraine patients during the migraine attacks. Significantly increased DBH enzyme activity has been observed in migraine patients during the headache-free interval which can lead to migraine attacks.
shu xue
xue means cave, indentation, or points (in this case). All points on the channels (meridians) are call xue. Those xue that can reflect the organs are usually called shu and most of the shu xue are located on the bladder channels.
sheng hua tang (source: Fu Shi Gynecology)
For unable to dispel clot blood after birth with pain in the lower abdomen.
ingredients: dang gui chuan xiong, tao ren, he jiang (dark baked ginger), zhi gan cao.
生化湯《傅氏女科》:當歸﹐川 芎﹐桃仁﹐黑 薑,炙草。治產後惡露不行,少腹疼 痛。
偽品為歐當歸 Levisticum Officinale Koch ,東當歸 Ligusticum acutilobum Sieb. Et Zucc ,興安白芷 A. dahurica (Fisch. Ex Hoffm.) Benth. Et Hook. f. ,雲南野當歸 。
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[n] for bibliography consult Research Librarian
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