Botanical name 學名﹕
Vitex rotundifolia Linn. 單葉蔓荊
Vitex trifolia Linn 三葉蔓荊
Other Names 別名﹕jing zi 荊子
Common Name 英文名﹕vitex fruit
Distribution 產地﹕Shandong 山東, Jiangxi 江西, Zhejiang 浙江, Fujian 福建。
Properties (characteristics) 性味﹕
bitter, acrid, slightly cold.
Channels (meridians) entered 歸經﹕
liver, stomach, bladder.
Medical functions 藥理﹕
1. sedative effect
2. inhibit pain
3. antipyretic effect
1. 鎮靜
2. 止痛
3. 解熱
Actions & Indications 主治﹕
1. cold from exterior, wind-heat dizziness, headache
2. migraine headache
3. swollen and painful gum
4. wind-heat with swollen and painful red eyes, with excessive tears
1. 外感風熱頭昏﹐頭痛
2. 偏頭痛
3. 齒齦腫痛
4. 風熱目赤腫痛﹐多淚。
Chemical ingredients 化學成份﹕
Leave and fruits of Vitex rotundifolia contain 單葉蔓荊果實和葉含:
Camphene 茨烯
Flavone 黃酮
Pigments 色素
Vitexicarpin 蔓荊子黃素
Rotundifuran 蔓荊呋喃
Agnuside 牡荊
Artemetin 青蒿亭
vitamin A 維生素甲
Fruits of Vitex trifolia 三葉蔓荊果實含:
casticin 紫花牡荊素
α-Pinene α-蒎烯
β-sitosterol- β-麥胚固醇
vitamin A 維生素甲
Dosage 用量﹕
1. Decoction: 6 to 12 g, or
2. make into alcohol extract.
3. External application: smash and apply on affected parts.
1. 煎湯﹕6~12 g
3. 外用:搗敷。
Samples of formulae 處方舉例﹕
Toxicity & Cautions 毒素與禁忌﹕
Use with care in cases of headache, blurry vision with blood deficient and heat or in cases of pixu (spleen deficient) .
血虛有火之頭痛目眩及脾虛 者慎服。